“My hearing is normal, but I am constantly asking people to repeat what they said.”
“If it’s quiet, I can hear, but if lots of kids start talking in my classroom, I have a really hard time hearing my teacher.”
“When my mom talks really fast, I can’t keep up and remember everything she says.”
These comments are just a few of the complaints you can expect from someone who is struggling with an auditory processing problem. Simply put, auditory processing is what we do with what we hear. Individuals with an auditory processing disorder often present with difficulties in listening, language, learning, reading, and in other academic and social areas. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association identifies the following behavioral characteristics as signs and symptoms of an auditory processing disorder:
Difficulty localizing sound
Difficulty understanding spoken language in competing messages, in noisy backgrounds, in reverberant environments, or when presented rapidly
Taking longer to respond in oral communication situations
Frequent requests for repetitions, saying “what” and “huh” frequently
Inconsistent or inappropriate responding
Difficulty comprehending and following rapid speech
Difficulty following complex auditory directions or commands
Difficulty learning songs or nursery rhymes
Misunderstanding messages, such as detecting prosody changes that help to interpret sarcasm or jokes
Poor musical and singing skills
Difficulty paying attention
Being easily distracted
Poor performance on speech and language or psychoeducational tests in the areas of auditory-related skills
Associated reading, spelling, and learning problems
Difficulty learning a new language
If you or a loved one struggle with the processing of auditory information, please consider scheduling an appointment with us. The assessment of an auditory processing disorder requires a thorough evaluation by an audiologist specially trained for comprehensive auditory processing evaluations. Call (816) 478-3008 to schedule an appointment with our auditory processing specialists today.