Hearing aid batteries
While there are rechargeable batteries available on the market, the most common type is still the zinc-air button disposable battery. Because zinc-air batteries are air-activated, a factory-sealed sticker allows them to remain inactive until it is removed. Once peeled from the back of the battery, oxygen will interact with the zinc in the battery and “turn it on.” To get the best performance from a zinc-air battery, wait about one minute after removing the sticker to fully activate before placing it in the hearing device. Replacing the sticker will not deactivate the battery, so once the sticker is removed, the battery will remain in an active state until the power is drained. Zinc air batteries remain stable for up to three years when stored in a room temperature, dry environment. There are four standard sizes for zinc-air batteries in hearing aids:
Size 675 is the largest battery that is typically offered with hearing aids. This battery size is common with large
power hearing aids that sit behind the ear. This batteries typically last 9-20 days and are color-coded with a blue sticker.
Size 13 is the second largest size. This size is also the second most common battery size. This battery size can often be used in behind the ear hearing aids as well as in the ear hearing aids. This battery size typically lasts 6-14 days and are color-coded with an orange sticker.
Size 312 is the second smallest battery size and the most commonly used size. This battery size is often used with mini behind the ear hearing aids, receiver in the ear hearing aids, as well as in the ear hearing aids. This battery size typically lasts 4-10 days and is color-coded with a brown sticker.
Size 10 is the smallest battery size currently available. This battery size is often used with mini receiver in the ear hearing aids and completely in the canal hearing aids. This battery size typically lasts 3-7 days and is color-coded with a yellow sticker.